
Ways You Can Help

Donating Done Your Way!

Maybe you prefer to make your contribution once a year. We welcome these gifts and vow to be excellent stewards of your tax-deductible contribution.

Another way to give is by becoming a Litter Mate, our cherished monthly donors who support the ongoing expense of providing quality veterinary care to our cats in need.

Want to help our storefront location continue to provide outreach, community support, and housing for several of our adoptable cats? Become a sponsor of TLOC!

Or perhaps you want to help our shelter dreams become a reality. While we work steadily with our architect to create the most cat-centric building possible, you can become part of the team that will open our shelter's doors more quickly.

Or maybe you'd like to see what your impact on the cats could be. You'll be happy to know that $20 neuters one male cat; $45 spays a female. And just $175 sees a kitten through his or her veterinary care, from admission to adoption (it's no small feat!). 

We ask that you take a moment to consider what you can comfortably contribute this season. What amount would you not really miss? Do you 
really need that daily latte? or dinner out this week?

Consider that your small sacrifice could mean a kitty has a warm, safe home this season. 

Whichever way you choose to support our life-saving work,
we are immensely grateful!